I'm up 1 lb. -- not a great way to start this new challenge, eh? But I am not surprised -- we had Krispy Kreme in the house and I haven't been watching things as I should.
Hopefully this week will be better.
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"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
Ah donuts. Those are a killer. I used to like them, but I stay away from them now. I do treat myself to some things, but I try to keep away from the donuts. They are like a gateway drug for me. I actually roll up the windows when I get near the donut place because I am convinced that they pump their heavenly odors out into the air to tempt us in.
Well, take care, see you next week!
Evil donuts...
stay strong!
Doughnuts used to be a huge failing of mine. Well, they still are, but I don't trust Japanese bakeries enough to buy them as I've been stung by their innoculous looking yet bizarre flavour combinations before (fried shrimp doughnut anyone? curry maybe?)
Oh, I LOVE doughnuts. Just seeing one on TV makes me practically drool. So, best thing for me is to not even have them in the house. Sometimes when you're starting out, it's best to go cold turkey on things you really love and that aren't necessarily weight loss friendly.
Don't beat yourself up though -- just work hard this next week! You can do it. :)
Oh, KK donuts are evil! But after cutting out that kind of stuff for quite some time, I can't even stand the texture of donuts anymore. This week will be better for you!
Path to Health
So if you've eaten up the Krsipy Kreme's then you don't have to worry about them any more! ;) Just don't let anymore into the house! I love those things...my mouth watered upon simply reading the words "Krispy Kreme".
Don't get too discouraged, I gained this week to. I also had donuts.... wait a second I think I notice a trend. LOL!
Good luck this week. You CAN do it.
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